The dotted patterns where created through the containment of a drawing machine i constructed. next i placed this long paper in a stairwell and poured boiling water infused with pigments down a flight of stairs.
These drawings where created using pressure and pigments. I began to see the transparent layering resembling parts of a collection being viewed through the x-ray scanners at the airport. the compression of these objects created an interesting embossed surface in the paper.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Surface transfers to paper. Skin or flesh like surfaces are the results of experimental techniques I have been using with mono type.
This drawing was created by a drawing device that makes dotted lines and hovers over the drawing surface. I was interested in the idea of mapping and travel. The drawing machine was repeatedly replaced in the same location after it successfully traveled off the paper. 5'x24' marker and colored pencil on paper.